PPJ Week 8 John
This week I modeled a modular seesaw object based on Alice’s concept art and attempted to model some pottery. I was also assigned more models to work on. For the pottery, I had an issue with extrusions looking blocky for cylinders. Fortunately, Llan gave me a rundown of a different method using Nurbs To Polygons, which will circumvent the issue. For the seesaw, I wasn’t able to texture it (my texturing ability is very limited).
At this week’s Sunday meeting I talked to Kai and Eugene about creating normal maps in Maya, and Kai was kind enough to walk me through the entire process. This put wind in my sails and caused me to search out various videos on modeling, texturing, and normal maps. Before modeling a torch, I wanted to review the Low Poly to High Poly workflow specifically. I was finally able to import a low poly object into Mudbox, subdivide and sculpt, and then generate a normal map. This was mildly successful. The normal map in Maya wasn’t as detailed as the live Mudbox version for some reason. I tried to embellish the depth with a slightly darker color, but the difference was minor. Moving forward I will continue to find ways to improve my modeling and texturing abilities.