Week 9 Xavier PPJ
This week I loaded in two models, the aztec wheel and the trap door, into unity as prefabs. I moved the pivot points for the models as...
Week 9 Ryan PPJ
For this week, I created more modular stones , and rather than fully sculpting and texturing I decided to take the advice given to me to...
Week 9 Ilan PPJ
This week I lead the thursday discord meeting and co lead the sunday meeting. I also re blocked out tutorial level with the updated tile...
Week 9 Joe PPJ
This week I began decorating level 2 with the modular decorative pieces made by Kai. Basically I filled in the majority of the blank...
Week 9 Eugene PPJ
I talked to the art director about the modifications that needed to be done on the new final version of the stalactite I made. It seems...
PPJ Week 8 Xavier
This week I worked on fixing movement problems in level 3 of muerto rico as well as rethinking how the level should be laid out. Stepping...
PPJ Week 8 John
This week I modeled a modular seesaw object based on Alice’s concept art and attempted to model some pottery. I was also assigned more...
PPJ Week 8 Zac
This week, I monitored the GitHub mostly. When the game broke on Wednesday, I fixed the game by reverting and resetting the status of the...
PPJ Week 8 Hong
This week I finally figured out the best way to do texture. With the help of Kai and his software Quixel, I can do textures much easier...
PPJ Week 8 Hugo
This week I worked on some modifications for our UI and also an additional kind of TrapDoor. Changes I made to the UI included cleaning...